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In bodybuilding, Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) is used as both an anabolic steroid cycle ancillary drug and as recovery or as a post anabolic steroid cycle therapy drug. While the efficacy of this drug decreases as the cycle progresses, Nolvadex can also be used as an anabolic diet drug, and thus has the potential to be a powerful anti-obesity modulator [1,2]. In an earlier study, Tamoxifen C-III was shown to increase fat mass up to 4-fold, while decreasing body fat, and then it decreased it by 2-fold after 6 weeks [4]. Tamoxifen IV also increased fat mass, but not body fat, and then it decreased it by 1-and-a-half-fold after 5 weeks [5]. Similar in efficacy was seen with the combination therapy of Estradiol-Progesterone (E2) and Tamoxifen 3-O-Propyl (T3). Estradiol-Progesterone was shown to enhance fat oxidation as well as reduce fat mass by 1.5-fold and then it reduced it by 2.0-fold after 2 weeks of treatment, and 3.0-fold after 4 weeks [3]. This study also demonstrated Tamoxifen 5-Propyl to increase fat mass up to 1.5-fold and to reduce body fat by 1.5-fold [4]. The combination therapy of Estradiol-Progesterone AND Tamoxifen 3-O-Propyl (T3), showed that it increases fat mass up to 1.05 times higher than by Estradiol alone.[3] Tamoxifen 5-O-Propyl was also shown to be most effective as an anti-obesity drug, compared with T3 alone, when in combination with exercise. In other studies, Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) has also been shown to promote fat loss on an anabolic steroid cycle, but with a slower onset and increased risk of side effects. Therefore, in the study by Fisani et al., Tamoxifen-5-Propyl, compared with Estradiol and T3 alone, showed an almost 2-fold lower incidence of side effects in both the long-term and short-term studies, but not in the combination therapy [6]. A combination study on the combined therapy of Estradiol and Tamoxifen 3-O-Propyl (T3)) was conducted on a combined population of male bodybuilders, and was reported in 2008 [7]. The authors concluded that the Related Article: