Everyone knows that video is the future, but to confirm that, users spend Real Estate Photo Editing three times as much time watching live video as static content, according to Facebook. Pasted image 018 Even if you're just getting started, it's a good idea to attend a live video, as engagement is consistently good now. All major social platforms are ad-based, so Real Estate Photo Editing we want to stay with them longer to increase our advertising revenue. In other words, live video is more promoted than other content.
Click to tweet And what's better than live video for Real Estate Photo Editing building relationships with large people? You can engage your audience in real-life conversations on the fly. People then get a kick. Check out these stats in the video 53% of consumers are involved in the brand after watching a video on social media 93% of companies say they have acquired new customers thanks to social media videos 63% of marketers say video gets the best ROI from social media marketing than all other types of content When learning about a product or service, 72% prefer video to Real Estate Photo Editing text So how do you make sure your live video is successful? Here are some simple tips to help you get started with live video right away. It doesn't make sense to be shy. The best way to improve is to dive right away. Now let's do it now. Click here to download for free now! We've helped Fortune 500 companies, venture-backed start-ups, and companies like you grow faster .
Get free consultation Make it a habit As with ongoing Real Estate Photo Editing content creation, you need to make it a habit. In general, it takes about 3 weeks of repetition (every day) for something to be incorporated into the brain. It will stick as long as you can force yourself to do it this long. And the more you do it, the better you will be and you will enjoy it more. Being hard-wired is really important. Because if that's not the case and something goes wrong, you're out Real Estate Photo Editing of luck. Insurance is required on days when you are not motivated for some reason. We all spent the day! Overcoming those moments will teach you that you can do it, so wire it! Dig deeper Livestreaming Video The Most Powerful Way to Share Content Real Estate Photo Editing 20 pre-production tips for creating successful video content How to grow your business with live video (Facebook and