Pulse. Read more Shrubs and trees with reddish-brown color 2022-05-22 578 Good evening, my readers. Almost all deckets are burning with the idea of creating an unusual garden. Warm greenhouses with baths and culture and flowers - all this, of course, is the basis of the summer hotel, but the beautiful plants planted in many areas created an atmosphere -personal life. Yes, if they have a unique coloring of the leaves, the whole summer season is given well. Consider the many trees and shrubs with red-red paintings that manage to distinguish you from the start.
Shrubs and trees with red-red color 23556_1 Shrubs SMS Services and trees with red-red color in Maria Verbilkova With the beginning of autumn, almost all the leaves gradually change their color, please the human eye with the sound of red-red. During this period, everything is changed beyond recognition - sometimes it becomes more fun than usual in the summer. However, unfortunately, such beauty lasts literally every month of the season. The rest, not counting the winter, the baby leaves have a green color.
However, there are garden crops that can surprise the color of the leaves during the summer, painting the garden area with unique shades. These include: Maple Maple. The threat of the barbarian Plum plum (Alycha). Ornamental tree. Skumpia skin. Maple Maple is one of the red maples that is most commonly used in the garden. Not only for the unique color of the leaves, but a beautiful crown that compliments the tree. To date, around ten types of red and red maples, protecting their greatness for a long time. However, it is worth noting that the leaves of some of them are taken only in the spring, and near the middle of the summer they get a green shade. Shrubs and trees with red-red color 23556_2 Shrubs and trees with red-red color in Maria.